Being a new mom is time consuming. However, it’s still possible for new mothers to find a few minutes to exercise each day. All it takes is some creativity, planning and motivation. The key is to begin by taking small steps. For many new moms, a quick five minute stretch or a few minutes of yoga or walking is just what they need to begin getting back in shape.
Start Small
Raising a young child require a lot of time. But it’s possible to set aside a few minutes a day while the baby is asleep to dedicate to a fitness regimen. They can start with a little stretching, a few curls or a short walk. Just doing the five minute workout regularly will begin to pay dividends and motivate them to gradually do a little more and increate the time and intensity of their new exercise program.
Baby Steps
They can begin with one activity you enjoy which works well with their lifestyle and schedule. Slowly they can build an exercise routine that will strengthen their body and give them additional energy. Some people find putting the baby into a well-supported front carrier makes it possible for them to take a brisk walk around the block. And they can increase the speed and intensity over time. This keeps them with their baby as they slowly improve their level of fitness.
Add New Elements
Over the course of a few weeks new mothers can begin increasing the length of their walk and add elements to make it more challenging. However, it’s essential the carrying device doesn’t strain their neck, shoulders or back. They can also put the baby in a stroller and take a longer walk. Babies over 6 months can be placed in jogging strollers. This allows the mother to increase the pace and intensity of their walk and include more and steeper inclines.
Get Help
Having a relative or friend watch the child for 30 minutes to an hour will give the new mom time to jog, attend a nearby exercise class or pop in a workout video. It will also give them a few precious moments to themselves. Some working mother wake up a little earlier than normal to get in a 15 to 30 minute workout before heading off to work. Others take their sneakers to work and take a brisk walk at lunch time. Some new moms take post-partum exercise classes near their homes. Some programs enable them to bring their babies. Some stay-at-home moms schedule these classes early in the morning before their partner leaves for work.
Stroller Exercise Programs
Some new moms find joining mom-and-baby stroller exercise programs to be very helpful. It gets them outside and moving, introduces them to other new mothers and provides them with guided fitness programs without taking them away from their child.
New moms can also use home exercise equipment, jump ropes, dumbbells, exercise videos, or do aerobics for a few minutes while their baby sleeps.