Dump the Diaper: Tips to Potty Training

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Is my child ready for potty training? That’s the question a lot of parents ask themselves. Most children are typically ready to begin potty training by age 2 but not all. Some are ready sooner and some much later. There is no definitive age for all children but if you watch for the signs you will know when it is time.

There are several signs that will let you know it is time to potty train. Does your child fuss when their diaper is wet or dirty? Do they tell you when they are soiling their diaper or hide when doing so? Can your child take off or pull on their clothes or does he/she stay dry longer? These are all things to watch for and take into consideration when deciding whether or not its time to begin your potty training task.

Once you’ve made the decision you may wonder how to begin the daunting task ahead of you. Potty training is not a simple and quick venture that can typically be accomplished in one day but it also doesn’t have to be quite the nightmare most parents fear it to be. Sticking with some simple potty training tips, it may actually be easier than you think.

To start with, set a schedule. Schedule in 2 or 3 days where you can remain home all or the majority of the time. This will make things easier for you and trainee when it comes to using the potty. You want to start with short intervals of time between potty trips. Set your timer or alarm to go off every 15 to 20 minutes and take your child to the potty to sit for a few minutes. He/she won’t use the potty every time but this gives them ample opportunity to do so. If they use the potty be sure to praise them in some way. High fives and hugs paired with verbal expression of love and gratitude are a great way to start. Another option is to get your child involved in their rewards. Create a potty chart and every time they use the potty let him/her choose a sticker and help you place it in the appropriate place. Other rewards such as individual m&ms work great as well. Basically find something that brings excitement to your child and will keep them wanting to earn more. This will encourage them and result in more successful potty trips.

There are other potty training tips you can incorporate that will assist and reinforce your child’s want or need to use the potty instead of their diaper. If your child needs a little extra push to use the potty instead of their diaper try naked time. Take the diaper off and allow them to go without it. Not having anywhere to put their pee and poop will have them looking for somewhere to go, to the potty. If you have a little boy teaching him to aim can be tricky. Try putting a couple Cheerios in the potty and have him aim for them. If he does it right give him an extra reward for hitting the target. Once your child has begun to understand the potty routine you can try stretching the intervals to longer times and even begin small trips to the store. Just be sure to bring the potty with you if you can so if possible you child can use the potty away from home too.

The important thing to remember is keeping your toddler’s interest. Make it a game, reward him/her with praises and prizes, and read books that are potty themed. When you get ready to try for a dry diaper overnight remember to limit drinks 1 hour prior to bedtime to help keep an empty bladder. Pair your excitement with your child’s and incorporate these potty training tips and you will be dumping the diaper for the potty in no time.
