Pregnancy Brain Examined

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Becoming pregnant and giving birth to a baby is a wonderful and joyous thing. However, the months leading up to the birth can be a crazy and confusing time for a mother to be.

During pregnancy a women’s hormones may be all over the map. Pregnancy produces significant hormonal changes within the body. Therefore, a women may become Moody and she may do things that she would probably never do if she were not expecting a child.

It is definitely true, due to hormonal changes a women may experience usual food cravings. In addition, due to the fact that the women will gain weight due to the pregnancy, she may begin to indulge in high calorie foods such as rich cookies and cakes.

A women may also spend a good deal of time convalescing especially as the pregnancy progresses. In addition, it seems pregnant females may spend a good team of time shopping for new baby clothes. Shopping and ordering things from on line services can become a habit during the nine months of pregnancy.

Overall it can be an exciting time for expectant mothers. However, as the months progress some women get tired of being pregnant and simply want to get the whole birth thing over with.

Keeping busy is critically important during this time. Boredom can cause depression in some cases and you want to avoid that at all costs. Some women do attend birthing classes in preparation of the birth. Birthing classes can be quite informational and can definitely keep the expectant mother occupied.

Expectant mothers may also spend time reading books which suggest popular baby names. In addition, there are also a variety of books on the market that discuss mothers bonding with baby as well as other important things new mother’s should know.

As it gets close to the birth, the mother may want to conduct a mock rehearsal for when she is required to go to the hospital and wait for the baby to be born. Therefore, this would require not only the mother but the father and possibly others to help with the rehearsal.

Conducting rehearsals for the actual day of the birth can actually be fun and it can certainly pass the time. Some mothers keep daily journals in which they record events such as the first time they felt the baby kick. In addition, simply recording thoughts on how mothers feel about giving birth and any expectations the expectant mother may have can be therapeutic.

Once the birth of the baby takes place, hopefully within a few months the brain will return to normal once again. The brain will return to normal thinking at least until the next pregnancy. Some women may think about getting back into shape after nine months of preparing for the birth. Experiencing pregnancy brain is certainly different. However, most women are grateful once they can finally put the pregnancy brain to rest.
